
Otitis Externa Treatment in Dogs and Cats

Revised: December 05, 2023
Published: November 03, 2003

Otitis externa is an inflammation or infection of the external ear canal. Bacteria, yeast, ear mites, and allergies can all cause otitis externa. Addressing this problem involves four steps:

  1. Cleaning the ear canal thoroughly to remove excessive ear wax and other debris.
  2. Applying medication into the ear canal.
  3. Allowing your veterinarian to re-examine the ear until the infection is cleared.
  4. Identifying and correcting the underlying cause of the otitis externa.

NOTE: Only use an ear cleaner or medication that has been recommended by your pet’s veterinarian. Do not clean a cat’s ears unless directed by the veterinarian.

Ear Cleansing and Medicating Instructions

Courtesy of Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

1. Apply cleanser to ear liberally as shown or by soaking a cotton ball and placing it in the ear.

Courtesy of Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

2. Massage into ear canal by gently massaging the base of the ear.

Courtesy of Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

3. With a cotton ball over your fingertip, wipe the accessible portion of the ear clean. Let your dog or cat shake out any excess. Clean the same portion of the ear with a dry cotton ball once again. Repeat if necessary.

Courtesy of Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

4. Apply the medication prescribed by your pet’s veterinarian deeply into the ear canal. Ear medications for dogs and cats will have a nozzle or tip that is correctly sized to deliver medication into your pet’s ear canal. 

Do not insert cotton swabs into the ear canal.

Use cotton swabs only to clean the parts of the ear you can actually see.

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