Did you know your veterinarian has a whole team of experts behind them?

Published: November 01, 2023


As a VIN member, your veterinarian is supported by a global network of more than 100,000 colleagues, including leading experts in every field of veterinary medicine.


What is the Veterinary Information Network® (VIN)?

Started in 1991, VIN is an online community where veterinarians come together to learn, share, and collaborate. It helps your veterinarian connect with other experts, stay up-to-date on best practices, and provide your pet with the highest standard of care.



How does VIN support your pet’s care?

With VIN, your veterinarian has access to the latest information in veterinary medicine, ranging from drugs and diagnostics to treatments and research. This helps ensure your pet receives the best care possible. As a key partner in your pet’s healthcare, VIN also provides resources to help you better understand your pet’s health.



FREE VIN Resources for Pet Owners

CattleDog Publishing

As a pet owner, understanding how your pet responds to stress can give you important information about how they are feeling and better prepare you for unexpected situations. CattleDog Publishing is dedicated to helping you better understand pet behaviors so that you can discuss concerns with your veterinarian or behavior professional. 


Drug and Food Recall Center

The VIN Drug and Food Recall Center tracks recalls affecting veterinary practices and pet owners. Visit the site to view recent recalls, recalls from years past, and additional resources. 



VetzInsight seeks to educate pet owners in a lighthearted, sometimes poignant manner by taking a sideways look at companion animal issues. 



VIN News Service

VIN News Service is an independent news service dedicated to bringing unbiased, accurate, and insightful reports on veterinary issues. With no ads or sponsorships, we're funded by VIN, a global online community of over 100,000 veterinary professionals.


Veterinary Partner

Veterinarians trust Veterinary Partner to provide reliable information to help pet owners make informed care decisions. From information on diseases and care to behavior and medications, Veterinary Partner helps you to understand your pet's health.

Let the Veterinary Partner team know if there are other article topics or resources you would like to have available. Email: Feedback@VeterinaryPartner.com.


VIN News Service commentaries are opinion pieces presenting insights, personal experiences and/or perspectives on topical issues by members of the veterinary community. To submit a commentary for consideration, email news@vin.com.

Information and opinions expressed in letters to the editor are those of the author and are independent of the VIN News Service. Letters may be edited for style. We do not verify their content for accuracy.