
Janet Stomberg, BS, MS, Veterinary Partner Content Coordinator

Published: July 20, 2023

Veterinary Partner Team

Janet is a biologist/science educator and veterinary technician. She has diverse experience in veterinary medicine as an emergency and critical care technician, canine blood bank specialist, specialty coordinator (dermatology and internal medicine), and designated trainer.

Janet has worked in academia as an advisor, professor, STEM program director, and education researcher, in addition to working as a nature programs leader, zoo educator, and zookeeper. 

Hiking in Crestone, CO

She loves spending time with her husband and pets. Fishing (mostly for trout), hiking, wildlife photography, wood burning, sketching, and learning about all things ecology-related are also major parts of her life. 

Janet is very passionate about evidence-based approaches to solving human-animal dynamics (endangered species, zoonoses, etc.). She especially enjoys helping people feel empowered through learning about themselves and the animals with which we share our lives. 

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