
Preparing for Your Mare to Foal

Published: October 06, 2021

When your mare is about to foal there are preparations you can make. Make sure your mare has been vaccinated prior to foaling to provide immunity in the colostrum for the foal. If possible, prepare a clean dry paddock for foaling since paddocks are usually cleaner than stalls. If you use a stall, make sure it is large enough and you have stripped, cleaned, and disinfected it. Use straw for bedding instead of shavings. All equipment used in the stall such as water buckets, feed buckets, and mats should also be disinfected using accelerated hydrogen peroxide. Accelerated hydrogen peroxide is very different from regular household hydrogen peroxide so ask your veterinarian if you need help finding effective disinfectants. Diluted bleach is also effective as long as all organic matter is scrubbed away first.

Ideally, your pregnant mare has had an ultrasound exam showing the placenta. Thirty days prior to foaling make sure you have a foal alert or camera system at the paddock or stall. Be sure to remove the caslicks vulvar suture if the mare has one. Booster the mare’s vaccine 30 days prior to foaling as well. Make sure you have clean, dry towels, a garbage bag to save the placenta for your veterinarian to examine, and a trailer ready in case the mare requires transportation for a c-section surgery at a hospital. Preparing in advance can minimize any complications during foaling.

After the foal is born, call your veterinarian for a new foal exam and blood test to check for adequate colostrum ingestion at 12 hours after birth.  

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