TECH279-2018: Equine Anatomy Non-Interactive
Enrollment is closed
Instructor: Sue Loly, LVT, VTS (EVN)
Course Open: January 2, 2018 � December 31, 2018
Level and Prerequisites:
basic course is focused towards the unique external and internal anatomy of equines. An understanding of how common body tissues like muscles and internal organs function is recommended before beginning this course. Veterinary Medical terms course also recommended.
VSPN CE Course: Open to VIN and VSPN members.
This course has been RACE approved for veterinary technicians/technologists.(22-30733)
Course Description:
Veterinary staff must be able to identify equine specific anatomy both internally and externally including interpreting client or layman terms and translate to veterinary terms and vice versa. An understanding of equine specific external and internal anatomy including medical and layman terms is an important part of a veterinary assistant or technician�s role in practice. Correct use of terminology in the veterinary workplace enhances client education and practice-wide communication. This course will introduce the concept of anatomy features unique to equine species. Medical terms and layman�s terms for the body parts will be covered.
This is an anatomy and terminology course and will not branch into the physiology of various diseases and conditions or functions of individual areas.
This course will consist of 2 (two) non-interactive modules that are in the form of videos to be watched. Modules will include quizzes, handouts to be read, and a mandatory end of course test. To earn a certificate of participation, you must attain a score of 80% or higher on the end of course test. The two modules and reading library handouts should take the participant a minimum of 60 minutes total. Participants must complete participation requirements by December 31, 2018 to be eligible to earn a certificate of participation.
Module 1: External Equine Anatomy
Total Time: 30 Minutes
Video: 20 minutes
Handouts: 10 minutes
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Identify all external equine anatomy
- Recognize terminology specific to medical and layman�s terms
- Describe conformation variations
- Identify features unique to equids
Module 2: Internal Equine Anatomy
Total Time: 30 Minutes
Video: 25 minutes
Handouts: 5 minutes
Objectives: Upon completion of this session, the participant should be able to
- Identify all basic internal equine anatomy
- Recognize terminology specific to equine internal anatomy
- Describe the normal path of the equine gastrointestinal tract
- Identify the equine dental layout of young and adult animals
Successful completion (scoring 80% or better) on the end-of-course test is required
to earn a certificate of completion for the course.
*To learn more about the requirements for earning a CE certificate, please refer to
Receiving Your CE Credit and Course Completion Certificate.
Course Materials: Course materials will be available
in the course library.
Required Textbooks:
There is no required textbook for this course.
About the Instructor:
Sue Loly, LVT, VTS-EVN is an experienced lecturer on large animal topics and state and national conventions. She has worked as a technician since 1999 in small animal, mixed practice and academia. She is an imaging specialist and senior veterinary technician at the University of Minnesota Large Animal Veterinary Medical Center. Sue has also co-edited a text for Wiley Blackwell: Large Animal Medicine for the Veterinary Technician 1st Edition.
Total CE Credit: 1
Tuition: $21
Prices are listed in US dollars.
*To ensure participants are ready and prepared for classes,
enrollment will close at 5pm ET on December 1, 2018.
*For more information on how online CE works, see the
Participant Resource Center.
To Enroll:
Enrollment is closed
- Enrollment qualifications: VIN CE courses are open to
VIN member and non-member veterinarians. Veterinarians enrolling in a VSPN CE course
must be a VIN member. Veterinary support staff must be a VSPN member to enroll in a
VSPN CE or a VIN CE course open to VSPN member enrollment.
- Each enrollee must be able to receive emails from
and addresses. Email is our major form of communication with participants;
personal emails are highly recommended rather than clinic/hospital email addresses.
- Each person is individually responsible for his/her own registration.
To ensure that all information received is secure and correct, please do not enroll
for a course on behalf of another individual.
- For further assistance call 800-846-0028 ext. 792 or email
Please include the course title, your full name, and contact information in your correspondence.
"This program 22-30733 is approved by the AAVSB RACE to offer a total of 0.00 CE Credits (0.00 max) being available to any one veterinarian: and/or 1.00 Veterinary Technician CE Credits (1.00 max). This RACE approval is for the subject matter categories of:
Category One: Scientific using the delivery method of Non-Interactive-Distance. This approval is valid in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB RACE; however, participants are responsible for ascertaining each board's CE requirements. RACE does not "accredit" or "endorse" or "certify" any program or person, nor does RACE approval validate the content of the program."
Course withdrawal and refund policy: A complete refund of the paid course price will be
issued when your withdrawal request is received prior to the listed start date of the course.
If you wish to withdraw after the start date please contact the VSPN office 800-846-0028 ext. 792
to discuss eligibility for a pro-rated refund.
* Note: To ensure rapid handling of your request for withdrawal, we recommend that you
call the VSPN office at 800-846-0028 ext. 792.
*For more information on VSPN's upcoming CE courses, check the
VSPN Course Catalog.
Charlotte Waack, RVT, CVT
VSPN Director/VSPN CE Director
VSPN CE Services:
800-846-0028 or 530-756-4881; ext. 792
or direct line to VIN/VSPN from the United Kingdom: 01 45 222 6154
or direct line to VIN/VSPN from Australia: 02 6145 2357
800.700.4636 | | 530.756.4881 | Fax: 530.756.6035
777 West Covell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616
Copyright 2018, Veterinary Information Network, Inc.