In this study, determination and comparative evaluation of the seroprevalence of Brucella canis infection with the serum samples obtained from different dog facilities by tube agglutination test (TAT), 2-mercaptoethanol-TAT (2ME-TAT) and ELISA techniques were aimed.
In the study, a total of 362 serum samples were obtained from 8 different dog facilities in Istanbul and Ýzmir districts. The dogs were temporarily kept in these facilities. Of the 362 serum samples, 46 (12.7 %), 28 (7.73%) and 27 (7.45 %) were found to be positive by TAT, 2ME-TAT and ELISA, respectively. In 6 (75 %) out of the 8 facilities seropositive dogs were detected. The prevalence of seropositive animals were ranged between 5,26 % and 31,57 %, 5 % and 17,54 % and 2,12 % and 15,78 % by TAT, 2ME-TAT and ELISA, respectively. Eighteen (39,1 %) and 19 (41,3 %) out of 46 sera evaluated as positive by TAT were found to be negative by 2ME-TAT and ELISA, respectively. A 96,42 % of correspondence were found between 2 ME-TAT and ELISA results.
As a conclusion, the tube agglutination test when used in conjunction with additional tests as 2ME-TAT and ELISA would be useful in eliminating the false-positive results obtained in serological diagnosis of B. canis infection of dogs. A correspondence was also observed between 2ME-TAT and ELISA results.
Because B. canis antibodies were detected in most of the dog facilities examined, it was concluded that measures should be taken to eliminate B. canis infected dogs from the entire dog population.