How to enroll in a CE Course
Revised: May 05, 2020
Published: April 09, 2013

Laura Schwartz

Choose a Course - TRY IT: CE

  • Log in to your account and click CE in the main navigation bar at the top of the page or point your browser to 
    (Note: If you work in a hospital with more than one other VIN member, make sure you're logged in to your own account before enrolling in a CE course.)
  • Find the course you want to take under either the 'Open for Enrollment - Veterinarians' or the 'Open for Enrollment - Support Staff' list.
  • Click the link to view the course info page.
  • Click ENROLL NOW. Follow the steps and provide the required information. 


After clicking Enroll Now on the course description page, follow the steps on each subsequent screen to complete your enrollment:

  • VIN Courses: select your membership level: current member or non-member (non-VIN members can still enroll in VIN CE courses).
    • If you are a current member but are not logged in, you'll be asked to log in.
    • If you are not a VIN member, you will be asked to choose your log in details later in the application.
  • VSPN Courses: If you are not already a member of VSPN, you must register for membership first.
    • If you are a current member but are not logged in, you'll be asked to log in.
  • Scroll down the list and make sure the course you want to enroll in is checked.
    • You may enroll in more than one course at a time.
  • Click Next in the bottom right corner of the screen to advance to the next step and fill out the requested information in each screen.
  • When you reach the final confirmation screen, scroll to the bottom and make note of your enrollment number.

An e-mail receipt confirming your enrollment will be sent within 48 to 72 hours. If so requested, this receipt will be sent via regular U.S. mail instead.
Just prior to the course opening date, you will receive an e-mail indicating that you now have access to the course area and providing directions on how to reach it.

Register early to ensure a place in class and to make sure you receive any available early-bird discounts and required off-line learning materials associated with the course.

Next steps:
Visit the Participant Resource Center to learn the basics of online CE, how to find your course area, CE participation requirements, and much more!